发信人: AllenHao(悠悠我心), 信区: goabroad
标 题: PhD Position @ EE of RPI
发信站: 饮水思源 (2014年12月02日04:53:57 星期二)

替老板发下招生广告: Prof. Meng Wang
I am looking for highly motivated PhD students with a strong mathematical back
ground to join my research group in Department of Electrical, Computer, and Sy
stems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Fall 2015. My resear
ch interests lie in the intersection of high-dimensional data analysis, optimi
zation, and network monitoring. You can find my research summary at http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/

Founded in 1824, RPI is one of the oldest engineering schools in the U.S. (http://www.rpi.edu/about/video/index.html
). It is located in Troy, NY, 150 miles north of New York City, 175 miles wes
t of Boston, at the gateway to the Adirondack State Park. According to USNEWS
2013, ECSE at RPI ranked 26th among the nation's electrical and computer engi
neering programs and ranked among top 10 private EE programs. Some basic facts
about ECSE can be found at http://ecse.rpi.edu.

PS. 老师人蛮nice的,而且作为新老师idea比较多,实验室的同学们发文章效率还挺高的


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