发信人: API(iAPI), 信区: goabroad
标 题: 奥克兰大学机械系phd奖学金,公司项目
发信站: 饮水思源 (2015年02月27日05:53:00 星期五)

有兴趣的同学(有机械,机械电子,压电背景的同学)发CV到 l.tang@auckland.ac.nz

英语要求雅思6.5,单项不低于6,或托福90,写作不低于21. 无GRE要求。希望已经英语成

业。PhD期间,配偶或女友可以拿work visa工作而非dependent visa,生孩子免费,大部

Development of a New Generation Multibeam Sonar Transducer
A transducer design has been used by Electronic Navigation Ltd for their multi
beam transducer products. The company is planning to launch the development of
a new generation of transducer. This new generation transducer development ai
ms to provide improvement on beam pattern, range and beam angle. The new trans
ducer also needs to have wide band response in order to work with the new sona
r system. Furthermore, the manufacture of the new transducer needs to be inves
tigated so that the transducers are easy to manufactured, having consistent pe
rformance and low in cost.
This project starts with a thorough study of the sonar theory, piezoelectric t
heory, underwater acoustic and acoustic modelling. Based on the research, the
current transducer design can be reviewed to come up with possible ways to imp
rove the performance of the current product. Further study and understanding o
f the current transducer design will also lead to new ideas and knowledge that
will contribute to the development of a new generation sonar transducer. The
possible areas for development include the use of new transducer materials, ne
w wideband transducer designs and new modelling methods.

※ 来源:·饮水思源 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn·[FROM:]