发信人: BlCYCLE(非土著老博士), 信区: SJTUNews
标 题: 伦敦奥运会后老外都纷纷表示要再看一次北京的开
发信站: 饮水思源 (2012年07月29日10:04:20 星期天)



转自人人,来源: 王小明的日志

伦敦奥运会后老外都纷纷表示要再看一次北京的开幕式治愈(附吐槽 渣翻)

果然伦敦的开幕式完了之后就会被拿来和四年前北京奥运会的各种对比 在这个时刻各国
人民似乎都想的一样 都把北京奥运会的视频翻出来重温了我向来喜欢看老外的吐槽所以
特意蕃蔷去油吐不挖了一些北京奥运会开幕式底下的评论 自翻 轻拍


有必要说一句 现在原视频地址(需蕃蔷)底下已经开始以不同国家立场吵的不可开交了
楼主希望这里还能保持和谐的气氛 以下吐槽请勿严肃对待 更请不要上升到国家/民族主义
的层面上去互相攻击 楼主才不是那么有内涵的人呢~

喷子们麻烦看清楚了再喷 小明只是搬运+翻译 这些评论又不是我写的 你朝我发泄满腔热
血有个P用啊 =。=

PS小明阴文不好 如有翻译错误的地方请在原文留言指正 谢谢!



i had to come watch this to erase my memory of london's ceremony.

wildebeest00 19 分钟前 36

这个就不翻了= =

I am watching this to forget LONDON 2012 ceremony.

JunaidAshfaque 51 分钟前 2


Geez I shit my pants when i saw the drummers opening

Jonasrable 4 分钟前


I feel bad for the London. They know they won't even come close to Beijing fro
m the beginning. The bar is just too high.

kehuang123 1 分钟前

真同情伦敦啊 他们其实一开始就知道根本没法和北京比 谁叫北京把标准拉的太高了

wow. everybody is back.

jyh5145 3 分钟前

哇 果然大家都回来重温了么

I thought London's was great and it had much more personality than this one. O
bviously China's was better overall but China also blew as much money as they
could to show off their wealth to the world. The U.K. was scraping together wh
atever funds they could find and depending on volunteers.

Jurassicparkz08 4 分钟前

我觉得伦敦开幕式还是很棒的 显得更人性化 虽然中国整体效果更好但感觉就想向世界炫
耀他们多能烧钱 英国奥组委都得自己想办法四处筹钱 而且基本都靠志愿者

you retard. china had volunteers too.

xdroon4 对 Jurassicparkz08 的回复 (显示评论) 19 分钟前

你个二货 北京奥运会也有志愿者

i like beijing's opening ceremony more. it showed ALOT of China's culture, Lon
don's opening ceremony just showed what the brits were known for which is most
ly books and music.

MsBleachFan12 7 分钟前

我还是更喜欢北京奥运会开幕式 向世界展示了超多中国的文化 伦敦的开幕式只是展示了
他们被世人熟知的东西 大部分是书和音乐

Who else thought Londons opening ceremony was shit?

bk13na 28 分钟前 75

还有谁跟我一样觉得伦敦奥运会就是一坨屎? (75人顶)

I think the theme was 'low budget'.

nothing4224 对 whateverman181 的回复 (显示评论) 23 分钟前 2


well, I am actually a Chinese living in Hong Kong, I can tell you that people
consider the London Olympic Opening Ceremony to be more soulful. And concernin
g that girl, it created a controversy, the original singer( the voice you hear
d) was not featured only because she was not pretty enough.

vet999123 对 shawn liu 的回复 (显示评论) 26 分钟前

我是香港人 我可以告诉你大多人都觉得伦敦奥运会更有灵魂 而且唱歌的那个小女孩(指
林妙可)在当时引起了很大争议 她只是在假唱 原唱的孩子因为不够漂亮所以没能登台表


China just ruined all future countries openings hahaha

coquejuggler 28 分钟前 72


i like this so much better than London's one. the plot was clear-cut, coherent
and interesting. the sets were incredible and the performers was near flawles
s. you can see how much hardwork and diligence was invested to perfecting this
. thousands of years of chinese history wrapped up into one lovely piece. Lond
on's, on the other hand, i learnt nothing but British pop culture.

我太特么喜欢北京奥运会了 整体设计清晰连贯又有意思 舞台设置碉堡了 演员的表现都无
可挑剔 可以看的出北京为了能展现一次完美的奥运会开幕式下了多少工夫 一展卷轴融汇
了中国上千年的悠久历史 至于伦敦嘛 我除了英伦流行文化没学到任何东西

It's not a competition ffs. It's an opening ceremony. Yes chinas opening is un
beatable without a doubt. Better than Athens 2004, Sydneys 2000, londons 2012
and all the rest. But who gives a fuck other than some pathetic twat? If you r
eally cared and were passionate about the Olympics, you wouldn't be comparing
countries opening ceremonies. You'd be bothered about the athletes taking part
. So for all those childish immature bitches, fuck off.

PalestineATW 40 分钟前

这只是开幕式不是实际比赛OK? 没错北京奥运会是无法被超越的 比00年悉尼奥运 04年雅
典奥运 如今的12年伦敦奥运都好太多太多(下一句不知道怎么翻 twat是啥?) 如果你真
心关注奥运会 就不该去比较开幕式 运动员之间的竞争才是正题 所以啊你们这些没长大的

this was amazing, and so amazing that I had to watch it again after watching t
he London 2012 opening ceremony which was quite disappointing. No opening cere
mony can top Beijing 2008

碉堡了!简直碉堡了! 看了伦敦奥运会令人失望的表现后特意回来再看一遍北京的开幕式

London's culture is different than China's. I don't think you can compare them
. London 2012 ceremony was fun. It was -them-. Industrial revolution....litera
ture.....t栀攀 nature and beauty of the isles.

5dragons2 44 分钟前

英国和中国的文化都不一样 怎么比? 伦敦奥运会开幕式很有趣 有工业革命 文学造诣 美

No fk off. I want to see more comments it's more interesting than the fail LON

SurferForex 对 ninjanoodles22 的回复 (显示评论) 49 分钟前

玩儿蛋去 劳资就是喜欢看评论 评论永远比视频精彩

To be frank, all the things I remembered about the London opening ceremony are
Mr.Bean and the background musics

nIeson 50 分钟前

老实说 伦敦奥运会让我唯一记住的就是背景音乐和久违的憨豆先生

This opening ceremony was absolutely stunning, but it lacked soul in my opinio
n, which was something Britain excelled at. Their performances had a lot of he
art and humour so that's why I prefer it more so than Beijing's.

stumblingmess 50 分钟前 2

在我看来北京奥运会确实很让人惊艳 但缺少灵魂 这点上英国做的出色的多 他们的表演极
具内涵和幽默 所以我更喜欢伦敦奥运会

I watch this video and I see President Bush, but after watching London I did n
ot see Obama, whats up with that??

djhughes39 56 分钟前

哥在这个视频里看到(前)总统布什了!但伦敦奥运会咋没看到奥巴马呢 他干嘛去了?

Whats with the people saying that England was all "it's about me" with the way
they did there ceremony. Did you not just see how China literally spent the w
hole thing showing there culture and what they have given to the world and the
last part was about community. I agree that I was somewhat disappointed, but
I also didn't try to directly compare. From the looks of it though, it's gonna
be a while until some one beats Beijing.....

prpletay724 58 分钟前

那些说英国“只一味展示自己”的人都怎么想的 中国还不是花了大把篇幅讲他们的文化只
有最后一小点儿部分才是有关世界各国人民团结的 我承认伦敦奥运会是有点让人失望 但
我不会去比较两者 虽然北京奥运会在场面上已经很难被超越了

I deliberately came back to watch the Beijing olympic opening ceremony to keep
me awake after wasting my precious 3 hours on the lamest opening ceremony eve

clavswd 1 小时前

浪费了我人参中宝贵的三小时看完无聊的伦敦奥运会开幕式后 我特意回来重看北京奥运会

The stadium is not used in China for anything other than a few gimicky things.
London will keep the park for housing. The stadium will be used for football
and sport all year round. The aquatic centre for public swimming. And a massiv
e shopping centre one of the largest in Europe.

ojideagu 对 ZephonTLucifer 的回复 (显示评论) 4 分钟前

中国的鸟巢体育馆在举行奥林匹克之后就荒废了 但是伦敦会继续利用他们修建的场馆举办
体育赛事 向民众开放游泳馆 并且会修建起欧洲最大的商场

the birdsnest stadium is still beijings number 1 tourist attraction, and many
events and concerts are being held there, get your facts straight!

zakuzen 对 ojideagu 的回复 (显示评论) 1 分钟前

(回复楼上)鸟巢至今仍然是北京炙手可热的旅游景点 而且经常被用来举办比赛和演唱会

China created a SHOW. The stadium and park is now a ghost town. London don't c
are about giving the best show, they care about REALITY and having a real lega
cy that people will still actually use afterwards.

London created buildings and facilities, China created an illusion that has no
w fallen to dust. Where is the benefit to the people after all that money spen
t in China?

ojideagu 对 doxide 的回复 (显示评论) 1 分钟前

北京奥运会开幕式只是在作秀 体育馆和奥林匹克公园现在都没人去了 伦敦注重的是资源
的延续使用而不是为了一次性的表演就铺张浪费 伦敦是在真正的建造楼房和设施 中国则
制造的是昙花一现的幻像 中国烧了那么多钱但群众实际受益了吗?

Can you tell me if the Queen did truly jump off the helicopter, since you are
bothered a lot by the lip singing?

chloebaoable 对 vet999123 的回复 (显示评论) 32 分钟前

既然你那么关心那个小女孩(妙可再次躺枪)是不是在假唱 你倒是告诉我女王是不是真从

Fucking Chinese, they're always the best... but eh, I think London did great,
don't be so hard.

OTremblay 43 分钟前

我次奥 中国就是超越外挂的存在 不过我觉得伦敦也不错啦 别太苛刻了

I'd rather be Chinese right now.

tamana05 23 分钟前 11


Why didn't they show off their fish and chips?



Don't feel bad UK people, the London 2012 opening was great, I liked it, It sh
owed me things that I already know, but reminded me that its a big culture wit
h so many things...

But these guys are ASIANS, no matter how great we can be, there'll always be a
sians that will be greater than us.

erickythman 3 分钟前 4

英国朋友们不需要感到惭愧 伦敦奥运会开幕式很棒的 至少我很喜欢 让我再次想起了英
国内涵丰富的文化 不过他们都是亚洲人 不管我们做的多好 亚洲人总是能做的比我们更好

Sorry but the London ceremony sucked so bad...WTF was that whole lame "texting
" love story BS?

Interesting torch though.

DitherSwitch 5 分钟前

尼玛伦敦奥运会简直烂到家了 那个短信传情的爱情故事是特么什么玩意儿

The thing is, both London 2012 and Beijing 2008 were GREAT but had different a
tmospheres which made each unique:

- Beijing was all about showing China's might, power, discipline and 5000 year
s of folk tradition

- London was all about the start of the Industrial Revolution and so they focu
sed more on their recent history (within 100 years). It was much more audience

Both are GREAT in their own way!

bee5120 10 分钟前 5

北京和伦敦奥运会开幕式都很棒 不一样的气场让两家都显得很独特 北京展现的额是中国
的意志 力量 整齐划一和5千年的悠久历史 伦敦则是从工业时代开始讲述他们的近代史 更
强调与观众的互动 总之两边都有各自的闪光点!

guys london did not suck...they did a pretty good job, its just that the bar i
s raised wayy too high by the beijing olympics

SimplyawesomeXXX 18 分钟前 4

矮油 伦敦奥运会其实还好啦 只是因为北京奥运会后人们的期望都变高了

Who knows How much Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony costs? and How much is th
e London Opening? which cost bigger?

theidolfanatic 8 分钟前

说伦敦奥运会不如北京的 你们知道北京奥运会花了多少钱吗? 伦敦怎么跟北京比?

If you can't handle the costs of organizing an Olympic games, don't do it. The
re are plenty of countries wanting to do it. This is about lack of imagination
. London was the worst opening in the entire history of the Olympics.

crackrero 对 theidolfanatic 的回复 (显示评论)

(回复楼上)尼玛既然没钱还举办个锤子的奥运会 索性一开始就不举办 别的国家还巴不
得当一回东道主呢 不要拿预算当借口 伦敦奥运会就是缺乏新意 我敢说是奥运会历史上最


挖的差不多了 最后就已一句比较中肯的评价结束把

You are right. We shouldn't compare. No matter what the British has put great
effort on it, and for that we should appreciate them. Don't forget the olympic
s is about athletes' spirit. Opening ceremony juz acts as an appetizer after a

ttycc13 52 分钟前

不忍心再看伦敦被黑了 没发现眉毛子正在角落里失落的画圈圈么魂淡!! 其实眉毛子家
除了料理其他都不错啦。。= =

PS 谁能告诉我女王养的那两只萌死人的狗狗是啥品种啊!!!!
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